Rate Card
Studio daily rate $1250 for 10Hrs, $175 per hour there after.
White floor repaint if carpet tiles come up $200
Sorry, we don't dry hire the studio, it comes with a gaffer from us, who acts as the studio manager, and one of the lighting van kits. Cost of gaffer and van kit is in addition to the studio rate. Gaffer opens and closes the studio.
Gaffer rate $800 per day 8hrs
0/T @ T1.5 $150 per hour first 2hrs
O/T @T2 $200 per hour there after
Additional loading after 8pm $50 per hour, $100 per hour after midnight.
Additional loading before 6am $50 per hour
Best LX rate $700 per day 8hrs
O/T @T1.5 $131.25 per hour first 2hrs
O/T @T2 $175 per hour there after
Additional loading after 8pm $50 per hour, $100 per hour after midnight.
Additional loading before 6am $50 per hour
Small lighting van kit $1250 per day
Large lighting van kit $1650 per day (6K, 9K, and Titans extra)
Reduced equipment, reduced rate van kit available on request.
40KVA generator truck $550 per day plus fuel as used
First 25kms from our base in Botany NSW included.
Small van $1.25 per km there after, Large van and generator $1.75 per km there after. Sydney harbour bridge or eastern distributor tolls included. All other rd tolls charged at cost.
All rates are per day (or hour where specified) and are exclusive of GST
Production is legally required to pay super annuation and workers comp for ABN Sole traders and PAYG crew. Check with your accountant for further clarification.
Bump in and out times are on the clock, including bumping in of green sceens, blue screens, scenic flats etc.
Drive time for lighting vans starts and
finishes at the 25km radius. Generator drive time starts and finishes at Botany base.
Confirmed jobs that cancel or move incur the full fee. Please consider carefully before confirming. If another production is pushing you to confirm or release, it means theyre prepaired to confirm, and understand what it means.
Any deals that differ from the above need to be negotiated in adavnce.
Payment terms are net 14 days from date of invoice.